Tax Free shopping service helps attract international Tourists to make purchases from you as the savings can be significant.
You too can enjoy a slice of this tourist market by offering your great products and to further tempt foreign shoppers by offering a great TAX FREE SHOPPING service. If you decide to use our system, your customers will benefit from the most advanced technology in the VAT refund industry today.
We will provide you with all the necessary training and on-going support.
We will provide you, free of charge, with all the material to offer and promote this service.
we are confident of our service and we will not tie you down to any contact.
We actively promotes your brand to international customers through partnerships.
No need to keep track of all the associated paperwork.
We do not invoice you - we deal directly with HM Customs.
We return a portion of the VAT to you.
NO need to change the way you do business.
Dedicated account manager and 24 hour phone support.
We will provide you with free marketing and sales promotion materials.
Track all succesfull claims against issued forms.
Ushop Tax Free pays you to use it!!!.
Adding ease and convenience to ONLINE Shopping:
Click & Collect service bridges the gap of your online store and a physical one.
Ushop tax Free service provides the retail industry with solutions to:
We work with retail partners to increase international visitor foot fall by acrively communicating with eligible shoppers
Through Ushp Tax Free's association with Smartax Network our retail partners have the opportunity to advertise to the foreign traveller segment of the market at virtually no cost